Bald Eagle

There is an Bald Eagles nest across the river from our property.  Its been there for years. I check in and out from time to time when in the area.

This time the Eagle was there, it was active due to my unwanted presence(I didn’t stay long).

Ohhh and it was loud(yup I was getting yelled at too, get OUT)! This is the 1st time in all the years….that I was able to capture some quick pictures! I was pretty impressed.

Plus, I am pretty sure there were eggs in the nest as the Eagle never flew far away and always came back!

In SE Wisconsin. (Dodge County) #divaintheoutdoors #rivermarshoutdoors



Warbler at my bird feeder!

Some type of Warbler at my feeder for the 1st time.
Another angle of the warbler at my feeder, ever!

Spring Migration 2020 in the books. I got some type of warbler at my feeder. Not sure what kind and the pictures are not great. But I never had a warbler like this at my feeder and was pretty exciting.


One of my favorite times of year, trying to get those water pictures! You never know what you might capture. We strategically put trail cameras out with the hopes of getting a few special pictures. Finally got this BEAUTY in a day time picture. The pelicans come every year and I always hope they find the camera, never fails! I am in AWE! is the trail camera used to capture this photo.