I love Great Blue Herons! Can you find the 3rd Heron in the 1st picture? Date and time are way off. SE Wisconsin!
Great Blue Heron!
I find the Great Blue Heron a very mysterious creature as well as very stealthy! Always creeping around looking for something to eat. So sneaky! This is a picture off the Covert Cellular Camera! https://www.covertscoutingcameras.com This trail camera picture come right to my cell phone. Its nice to get real time action, but still be able to pull the SD card and get a clearer version.
Great Blue Heron!
This is a picture hot off the Cuddelink trail camera. It goes right to me email every hour. This area has been flooded since last year and it starting to recede. The great blue herons are enjoying the new environment. https://www.cuddeback.com/cuddelink