9/25/2021 1st sit in the New Blind!



Tried the new blind tonight!!!!!!!

We got a new wooden platform for my birthday/engagement gift.  The platform is about 5 feet tall.

I have a portable blind that I put on top of the platform.  Instead of the normal spring steel blind frame, this frame is metal and folds out like an accordion, we have it drilled into the platform for now.  It is a pretty cool blind.  I like the magnetic window option as well as the camouflage screen window covering. In case you wanted to check out the blind, it is called the Hawk Down and Out Blind.

It tricky getting into the blind as we have a makeshift ladder set-up, so yeah proceed with caution.

I have the blind set along a tree line/cattail line, along the edge of the bean field.  I have all cattails/marshy areas behind me.  I have a bean field and food plot in front of me about 25 yards.  To my right a long stretch of green grass with a bean field in front of that and then a ditch.  To my left is a long stretch of green grass with a bean field in front of that,  that then leads to a cattail patch.

View to my left! Old windmill!

Anyways, once I managed to get into the blind and settled, I noticed a friendly wasp walking about.  Oh, no you don’t.  You best be trying to find a hole to fly out of.  So, mind you I have to keep an eye on this lovely wasp( I am not a fan and scared of these bad boys, bad experience) and get settled quietly in the new blind.

I open the smaller windows on all sides of me, meaning I also have the screens down.  I left the screen up on the longer windows but it is hard to see out of.  I never leave the screen all the way up, but these are different screens, I can kind of see out but it’s hard to see in.  So, I was trying different setups.

I was excited to see what I might see from the blind. Kind of like Christmas morning opening presents.  Sitting in this blind my 1st time, made me get those types of feelings like I couldn’t get the wrapping paper off the gift fast enough.  An hour went by and I was thinking hey….maybe I won’t see anything tonight, maybe the present isn’t that exciting tonight!

But…..no, as I was looking to my right through my binocs, down toward the ditch, thought I saw something, a deer head pops into my lens around 5:49 pm, hey where did you come from? You scared me!

A little doe!

A little doe walked out from behind me, to my right.  About 20 yards from me, it ate in the green grass before it headed into the bean field. It hung out in the bean field and did a complete half-circle in front of me for the next 45 minutes before it wandered out of my line of sight.

At around 6:50 pm about 50 yards from the blind, I see a small buck walkout from the right side of the blind.  The same area the doe came from, the cattails to my right, from behind the blind. I have seen this buck on trail camera before, so I am familiar. Shortly after a large doe walks out from the same area right behind the buck.  They both headed to the bean field in front of them and ate for a bit.  They both then headed to the north and towards the ditch.  I watched as they jumped the ditch, they outta here.

About 7 pm, I have a doe walk out into the food plot. It is just starting to get dark now.  She meanders in the food plot along with her youngster.  They are way out of shooting range, maybe 100 yards.

It was tough trying to be quiet as all heck, getting packed up and out of the blind without disturbing the deer.

All in all, it was a good sit….I have learned any sit is a good sit.  But seeing deer while on a sit is an extra special bonus.

So far, I like the blind!  Cant wait to get back out there!


GOD’s GREAT view!


Opening Day of Archery Season 2021!


Oh, opening morning I have longed for your start.   My favorite time of year!

I am not really a morning hunter.  Some say there are special deer in the morning…..I don’t even much care if there are special deer at 6 in the morning, I just don’t like to get up so early.  Ahh, some girls do some girls don’t!

I went opening morning because I could because if  I couldn’t(like I had to work) I would have wanted to be out there and couldn’t.  So I got up and went out to prove to the lesser of two evils.

So….I sucked it up.  Marcus had to work so, I got up with him at 5 am and he saw me off, with good wishes, a kiss and friendly shot straight.

I had all my stuff packed and ready to go the night before, so all I got to do is dress my tired self, in the morning.

It was a cool morning and the grass was wet.  I walked in from the front of the property to my stand.  This is something I don’t normally do, but I am a tad bit unprepared this opening day, and I am unsure of my route from the back end of the property, as I wasn’t even sure I was going out this morning.  Preparation is everything, but winging works too.

I park the UTV at the front-drive. Rocks/stones have been placed on the drive-in to deter the flooding and make the back fields accessible to vehicles and farm equipment.  I find I don’t like this new stone as it is loud to walk on in the dark as I am trying to be quiet as hell.  I try to find some grass on the side of the drive but have little luck.

My dad always said you are in their house!  If you were at home and heard footsteps in your house, what would you do!  So, I try to remind myself of this when I walk into the field early morning.  I mean…I know what I would do if I heard footsteps in my house in the dark!

Of course, walking in the front way is avoided in the morning, as I think the line of trees I walk by are bedding areas occasionally, and of course this morning they are….I scare up deer.  They are close as I can feel their presence as they get up and run away. The alert call makes my heart jump and I grabbed at my chest to make sure my heart is still there.  Thanks for the heart check!

All, I think as I keep walking is, blew any chance of seeing any more deer the rest of the morning!  Go figure!  Par for the course I guess!

I am questioning myself why my boots are getting wet and slowly my socks and feet, the grass is soaked from the cool night and I ponder getting new boots, but I love the ones I have.

As I round the corner to my blind, I see a shadow in front of me and can feel the ground speak so to say as a big deer run away into the darkness.  Lord, I am sucking at this scaring deer thing this morning.  Yes, it is still dark out!

I get into the blind and settle in.  So, quiet.  The sun is coming up and I am enjoying my view as the fog lifts from the cattails into the heavens.  It been a long time.  There is something quite special about spending those 1st minutes of light with mother nature.

Around 630am  I have at least 3 deer to my right,  I can barely see them, they are left behind my line of sight, past the open window, so I have to lean forward in order to see them.  So, I just decide to mind my business and let them be, they left.

I hear many rustles around me, the woods are alive this morning. The birds are active and fill the air with movement and color.

At some point in the morning, I  had a little bird fly up from under my blind and into the blind as if he has done this before a million times.  A small wren if I had to guess.  He sat and looked at me for a few minutes, I bet wondering what the heck I was doing there. He then flew up to the window and visited for a little while more and flew away.  I am pretty sure this bird had built a nest in the blind, as the last time the guys took supplies to the blind, they said they pulled out a nest of some type.  As the morning got lighter, I did notice his little marking here and there around the blind. Sorry, little birdy!

At 808 am I had a small doe walk the tree line to the right of my blind, way past the food plot. Way out of bow range for me. I watched as she cut through the woods.  I know what she is up to, she is trying to avoid me and walk through the woods to get to the other side of me. Mama taught her well.

Yes, a short time later there she was on my left side, in the big food plot to my left, munching on some beans. She stayed for some time before wandering off. The morning is lingering on and I have the feels I will not see much for activity the rest of the morning.

I had a wasp visit inside the blind, he was trying to be shady, it snuck in quickly and climbed under the window to stay warm, had I not seen it go there I would have grabbed the window shade when I packed up to leave to close the window. I for sure would have gotten stung as he didn’t move from where he first went in and I would have grabbed him, I hate wasps,  I had a bad encounter with one last year.

The rest of the morning was pleasantly quiet, I tried to soak up the beauty and quiet all around me as it has been way too long since I have spent some time with my best friend, the outdoors!

Life has been chaotic and stressful lately……I will be back….I very much look forward to my next hunt!



Early morning fog lifting from the cattails.
Sunrise….fog rise!
More morning beauty!

Save the best for last!

2020 Kansas Gun Season Day 9!

This was our last morning in Kansas!

This morning was packed with all kinds of goodies!

We saw over 61 deer this morning!

We were back on my favorite road; I now call it Shelly Road.

I have seen a majority of the deer this week on this road.

As we pulled onto this road

Many deer jumped across the road.

As we pull up to a certain area, there are deer everywhere.

I see more white tails; I mean literally the white tails, than you can imagine.

We see a real nice buck who was behind us in a corn field.

I was only able to make out a huge curved rack in my binocs.

There had to be over 40 deer in this area.

So many to count, there were probably more than I could count and missed many.

This entire trip the deer did not stick around.

They were very skittish.

I suppose it’s a combination of things, it seemed if you didn’t stop they paid no attention,

There is very little traffic on these dirt roads in Kansas, so they are not used to that, we pondered the fact that possibly the deer see cars on the road and correlate that with being shot from the road, doubt it though.

There is this story that deer are shot from road in these here parts.

A little while later I am able to see some white up on a big hill about 400 yards off the road.

2 coyotes sunning themselves in the morning hours.

We are able to catch a quick picture.

We drive down into an area very secluded and am able to see some doe way up on the ridge and of course what it is following but a big buck.

It was cool to watch thier shenanigans!

We watch as a deer jump the road ahead of us,

We look in the woods as we drive by and I see a buck, a bunch of deer know run into the open field below.   5 or 6 for sure!  They run into the woods and we are not able to identify what they are.

We drove to the other side of the woods and sat at the top of the hill, in hopes they would cross through the woods and come out the other side, they did not.

As we were ending our trip, Marcus says, Big Buck!

Here 200 yards off the road, stands a beast.

He was further away, peaking his body out into an empty field.

He did not have a big rack, but it was thick and his body huge.

We figured he was an older fella!

We have really seen some nice bucks this trip, so much better than at home.

The guys took a blind down and trail camera’s down this afternoon.

We did a few duties to prepare for leaving.

This evening we did not see as much activity as we had in past days, we only saw about 16 deer.

Got to see 2 bobcats at dark.

I have really come to enjoy driving around looking at the beauty Kansas holds.

I love the uniqueness of this area, the laid back feeling, no pressure from the world, the quiet convinces me that I am in some far away land!

I will miss my morning and evening drives in the middle of nowhere, I will miss the alone time with Marcus in the jeep with nothing but the open road and being surrounded by nature!  I think we will both miss the laid back feeling that nothing else matters in this world at this exact time in life.  I will miss how simple no stress from the chaotic world feels.  I find there in no drama out in these here part and that is hard to duplicate when I am back home. I find myself jealous of those that live here, but I am also aware it is hard work in one way or another to live in these here parts.

The time here in Kansas goes just as fast at home. The clock stops for now one!  I like this phrase and I say it often. Out here you more so you live on mother nature’s clock of sunup and sundown and the time on the clock does not matter much.

It is now time to fit everything into my small jeep for the drive home.  It will be a chore as we are going home with a huge deer head and a cooler full of meat.  Ahhh, who needs to see for the 11 hours’ drive home.  We hope to out drive the storm , but know that we will hit some weather.

Until next year Kansas…..Don’t change!   Take care of my deer and grow some big racks!






Big Bucks Moving!

Little buck crossing the road!
A huge buck……so so far away! Maybe 800 yards!
Big buck with 9 doe on a green patch….food plot?

Kansas 2020 Gun Season Day 6!

We worked on capping out the buck this morning!

Jason/Jess headed out a little  early for their hunt. Good Luck Guys!

We replenished the bait piles this afternoon and we headed out at our normal time.

We stopped for our normal soda pop in a small town and headed out.

I am a horrible navigator.

Good thing Marcus is a great navigator and know were he is going.  At least he has his bearings.

The sun just glared bight to the blinding eye.

Cruising down the road I turn my head to my right as I am looking at a vehicle stop at the stop sign waiting to get on the highway.

As I am looking over I see a buck a ways off the roadway.

Not sure how big he was, you know how that goes when you are driving by at 70 mph.

I told Marcus that he needed to slow down and turn around, that I saw a buck.

I very well know he will be gone when we get back there and he was.

He stopped and we looked around for a bit.

There the buck was, stepped out from the woods on to the road.

He was a nice 2 year old.  He would have been a shooter back home.  He crossed the road and into the woods on the other side he goes.

I was able to catch a real blurry picture.

We continued on with our journey, as the clocks stops for no one.

We end up going down some road, I can’t keep track of what roads or where we are on these dirt roads

I am in the middle of nowhere.

We ended up pulling onto a road and at the back end of a dried up bean field, I notice a green patch.

I suppose someone’s food plot, as it was weird seeing that green at the back of the brown field.

There stood a nice 2 year old  buck with 9 does.  They didn’t move as we pulled to the side of the road.

The group was pretty far back, but I was able to make the antlers out through the binoculars.

The buck had such a pretty white patch and I was surprised the group stayed as long as they did before running off.

As we continue on our adventure we pull up to a large field, a very large field with a woods to the back of the field.

It hard to explain all the land around here.  Lots of fields, woods, tree lines, and pastures.  And dirt roads!

We made out about 8 deer in the back of this field

I am almost unable to make out what is in the field with my binoculars as they are quite a ways away.

But I did notice a huge buck in the far back field all alone.

His rack was big enough that I could see it that far way thru the binoculars.

We drove up the road to turn around and try to get a better look.

As we were driving up the road, we kick up 4 does, we turn around on the road to come back and the big buck and doe’s were gone, go figure!

We continued on back towards the direction of home and we are met eye to eye by an owl

This owl must have been up in a tree watching a rodent of some type on the side of the road.

This owl flies down hard and swoops to catch whatever he was stalking at the same exact moment we are driving by.

All at the same time Marcus slams on the breaks and I may or may not have screamed a little bit.

I was eye to eye with the beautiful owl.

I couldn’t tell you what type of owl, but a big beautiful owl, none the less.

Oh, my so pretty.

I am pretty sure his wings swiped the side of the jeep.

After pulling my heart out of my stomach we continue on.

There is same property closer to the homestead,

that we have checked every night, it had been hit or miss with seeing deer in these fields, but we know they frequent it.

Well they were here tonight.

We had at least 6 doe’s on one side of the road in the bean field 60 yards off the road and then a short ways up the road they we 9 doe’s on the other side of the road 100 yards away.

So, that concluded the night adventures.

Jason/Jess didn’t see anything, even with hopes that replenishing the bait piles would help.

Ma made scalloped potatoes and ham for supper.

We dropped our buck head off at a friend of Marcus’s, as they are an outfitter and have several freezers.

We plan to bring back the deer head for a deer mount.


Spring Day in December!

Our Spring day walk in December!


Spring selfie in December!

2020 Kansas Gun Hunt Day 8!

It was a pretty nice morning as far as weather has been concerned

The sunshine was peeking through the clouds and we expected a beautiful day with temps in the 60’s.

We saw 32 deer.  3 of those deer were decent size bucks!

We also saw 2 coyotes about 400 yards off the road

The 1st time this trip we saw 1 pheasant on the side of the road.

We took an afternoon walk in the small woods and pasture and I am guessing the temp is

In the 70’s.  What a glorious December day!

This evening we didn’t see as many deer as we figured the deer wouldn’t move as much with the warm weather.

We saw 2 bucks that were of decent size.  One of the bucks was close to home and we had recognized who he was due to being on our trail camera’s.

We also saw 9 doe.

We also chased after a fire that had some dark smoke filling the whole sky in the distance.

Big grass fire!

Jason/Jesse sat in a blind on a friends property and saw nothing.

However, that friend, names GB shot a nice big buck!

Momma made pork chops, green bean casserole, and butter/onion flavor rice.

Yummy dinner!

New Roads to discover!

2020 Kansas Gun Hunt Day 7!  

Up and at it before sunrise this morning!

We checked out the new roads last night that we had discovered and seen all the deer.

So, we went back this morning!  We saw 21 deer this morning.  They appear to be in a certain sector of the grid.

We spent most of the afternoon and evening cutting up the buck we harvested.

It was a long day, as cutting up a deer is time consuming.

We got lots of meat off the old big buck!

We didn’t go out for our evening deer scouting as usual, as it took all day and night to cut up and package the deer for its voyage home!

Marcus went over by his friend GB, a cousin of his had shot a buck during bow season.

And it was huge, so Marcus went to green score the big buck.

Marcus is a certified Boone and Crockett scorer.  In case you don’t know what this is, he is certified to measure antlers on big bucks or any male animal that has antlers.  Such as elk, moose, and antelope.

Big Buck Rutting!

Buck was chasing this doe who was in heat!
Sunset from the homestead in Kansas!

2020 Kansas Gun Hunt Day 5!

Well our hunt is over!

Unless we decided to take a doe towards the end of our stay.

Jason and Jess were up early and headed out for their 1st morning hunt.

We were up and at it, shortly after them and decided that we would check out the area during the

morning light as we have hunted most mornings since we got here.

The drive started out rather dull.

But I find that I quite enjoy Marcus taking me on drives scouting.  Well its great bonding time, yes I said “bonding” for one thing, but he knows how much I enjoy the outdoors and all its glory. We have a lot in common and share an appreciation for the simple things in life.

Great sunset this morning!  The 1st part of the drive was deerless.  I joked with Marcus that deer in Kansas are overrated.

We were driving in a certain area and  I spotted roughly 4 deer up on a hill, a field further over there was at least 10 deer in a corn field.  They were a ways off the road, through the thicket.  Kansas is hilling, most of the roads are depressed into the earth, lots of fences, the old wooden post kind, and lots of Cedar trees.

A little up the dirt road a buck jumped across the road. All I could see was the sun glaring off his rack.  A second or two later a doe crosses the road.

A half mile up the road we see another buck, maybe a 2 year old.

A sporadic deer here and there.

We eventually ended up down a road and we spot a huge buck.  About 40 yards of the road.  The buck was chasing/quarrying a doe.  Oh, she must have really hot.  It was so cool to watch this buck chase this doe.  I have seen a little of this back at home, but nothing to this caliber.  The doe must have gotten sick and tired being chased, that she finally bedded down.  He just stood there.  Occasionally he would stomp is foot.  All I know, he was not leaving this chick.  And no other buck will have her.  Poor Women!  Down here in Kansas there is little traffic on the old dirt roads.  So, we just parked in the middle of the road and watch this beautiful studdly buck stand and wait.  If he can’t have her nobody can.  We watched this buck for over 15 minutes, before he bedded down.  Once we started the jeep and moved we figured the doe would get up and we were right.  The chase was on.  He chased her here and there and everywhere.  At one time he was chasing her right towards us.  That’s the stuff you see on hunting shows!

I was concerned that this buck was too close to the road, and I aver heard stories about people shooting deer from the road around here.  So, I hope we chased them off the road enough when we left.

A little way up the road 5 doe ran across the road.

Anyways, this was the coolest thing to watch, you know those things engrained in your memory that you will never forget.   This was one of those moments!

This evening we just wondered the countryside enjoying the scenery!  We took a quick little ride to town, well not quick 25 minutes as it’s the closest town with fast food restaurant.  We stopped at Dairy Queen for a Root beer!

We saw roughly 10 doe tonight!

Ma Ma’s chili for supper tonight!  Yum!




Friday Night Lights!

Matt and Brady's Doe
Matt and Brady’s Doe
My view of the moon as I was sitting!
Marcus and I trying to take a nice picture!
Amazing Sunset!
Another amazing sunset!


11/27/20  7th day of Wisconsin 2020 Gun Deer Season

Black Friday everyone!

I sat on “The Hill” for the afternoon!

I got up there around 1pm.

Marcus had dropped me off as I was going to sit the rest of the afternoon and the hunting party was  going to do a drive.

Marcus needed the Mud Duck for the drive.

It’s a long walk to where I sit on The Hill.

If I knew my yards from my feet’s I could tell you how long of a walk it really was.

But I can’t.

There is a grassy tree line between a bean field and a hay field off a woods.

This is important to know because there is hardly any flat spots to put a chair.

This is the same area I sat a few night ago but where I sat the other night was in an opening between 2 trees.

This is where I had my blind the last few years.

I felt this left me a little exposed so I moved over and found a flat spot in front of a tree.

Yes, it was windy as usual

And the sun was at my back but so was the wind, I was thankful for that.

The hunting party was going to drive the north half of the property and the deer use this route as an escape.

Shortly after the drive started a medium size doe was running the length of the bean field in front of me.

She stopped in the clearing to rest a bit, to catch her breath and then trotted away to safety.

A short while after that I had a small 4 point buck and a fawn running down the hay field even closer to me.

They too had stopped in the clearing right in front of me.

They were exhausted as I could tell, they stopped to catch their breath and rest a moment.

They stopped and looked back as if waiting for their friends or searching for danger.

They rested here about 5 minutes before they trotted off into the woods.

I was able to get a quick picture as I didn’t want to scare them anymore.

The rest of the night was rather dull and cold.

I thought the wind would die down but it didn’t.

I was hopeful something might step out of the woods the closer I got to closing time, but it didn’t surprise me that one didn’t.

I feel right now the deer are on lock down until it is safe to move and they hear no more bangs in the air.

A tag team effort from the drive, 2 of the guys harvested a doe.  Congrats Matt and Brady!

Cindy was also sitting solo and she harvested a doe and nub buck as well.  Congrats!

Only 2 more hunting days!

Why is it going so fast?????

Short sit!

Sunset view from my blind!

11/23/20 3rd day of Wisconsin 2020 Gun Deer Season

My sit tonight was short. I had to work until 3 pm, but I am pretty sure I was out the door by 3:02 pm I chose my traditional route due to time constraints and went to sit in my elevated enclosed blind. I shall call her Betty from now on. Why, like Betty Crocker, my blind is home made with love.
I got all bundled up as I knew once the sun went down it would get cool. Oh, but I love the sunshine it makes me feel alive.
My 1 hour and 43 minute sit went fast and there was very little movement. I really found it eerily quite so I focused on the silence.
It was quite enough to hear movement, but this time of year the ground is damp and soft, which deters noise when walked on.
I didn’t hear many shots ringing through the air tonight
About 435 I spot 2 doe far off in the big food plot. I watch then through the binoculars for a while, next thing I know I have 5 doe/fawns frolicking through the field. They are being silly, jumping around and playing with each other. It is about 440 already and before I know it, they pranced away.
It is now time to end my sit as another hunting day come to an end.
Only 7 more hunting days to go! The weather isn’t looking the greatest! I have to work 2 more days.
Shoot straight y’all!

Exhausting interesting sit!

Sierra’s 1st deer/buck!
Me in the blind, photo courtesy of Marcus!
View from the blind!
Views from the blind!
Deer view from the blind!
Its me again!
View from the blind!
Sunrise and frost filled earth

11/21/20 Opening day of Wisconsin Gun Deer Season!

Well the dreaded get up early of opening day, which I manage to not get up one early morning during bow season.

And of course I wasn’t able to fall asleep last night

So, I was running on 4 hrs. of sleep

Marcus may have gotten a tad bit more sleep than me but not much

You do know that there are very special deer opening day of gun season right

More special than deer any other day??? 😊

The walk in was fine, with the usually rushed feeling making sure to get to the blind before it gets light

We had plenty of time to spare, but you don’t know that when you’re walking in, no matter how much  time you leave yourself

We got in and settled to hear gun shots in the distance many minutes before opening

I anxiously waited that opening minute, gun in hand ready to see the “BIG GUY”

step from the cover, well shoot he never did, as he usually doesn’t, no matter how much you play the scene over in your head.

I didn’t hold out much hope as the deer movement the last week or so had drastically decreased.

We always play this game when a close gunshot goes off, what neighbor shot it and what bucks was it.

I had to laugh occasionally at the amount of gun shots heard around us

I even joked at some point and asked are there any deer even alive anymore?

I tried to soak in the beauty around me

As the white frost had clung to every inch of the earth

The crystals sparkle so pretty

And with this white pretty frost came complete silence.

I caught myself a few times with a smile on my face recognizing how beautiful this morning was

I found the fog from the ground jumping high into the air very magical and found it fitting for the 1st day of gun season

I was warm enough but usually I always am, I pretty much always over dress

Marcus on the other hand thought it would be cool to just wear a t-shirt under his big orange hunting jacket

Yup  caught him a few times shivering

A little doe had come out to the food plot to eat

She strategically hid  behind the bush so I couldn’t see her all the time

The birds happen to be busy as the sun start to shine through the clouds

We decided last minute to sit all day

I have not ever done a sit all day

It wasn’t as bad as I thought

Glad I had some water and snacks to hold us over and the company of my man

I choose this man to sit in silence with 10 plus hours in a day, any and every day

It was a long afternoon

As there was little to no movement

Marcus has no problem falling asleep anywhere,  any time and got a few cat naps in

I am sure my head hit the floor a few times as well

Around 330 we had some action with a little fella coming into the small food plot

He was such a little buck but so proud

When I look at these little bucks…I think of all the life they have to live and all the fun they have yet to have chasing girls.

He didn’t want anything to do with us, as if he were on a mission

A short while later a 4 pointer came into the food plot

This time this one came within 20 yards, and actually worked the scrape stick we have set up near by

I love watching deer so close in their natural habitat

It was so cool to see him working the branch

He never did spook and just got bored

About 15 minutes  later a doe, 2 fawns and a small buck

Are nearby, pretty sure one was a hot doe

I figured they knew something was up when they looked over in our direction,

And did a quick slide under the radar move

You know how them old doe’s are so smart

About 5 to 10 minutes from close we hear close by gun shots

Well one of the girls in our hunting party, Sierra had taken a shot or 2

A small buck, there was potential that this buck might double back and come our way

Well just about a minute before close I have a deer to my left and in front of me, it ducks for cover into the bushes

I could  not make out what gender, and it was moving slow but didn’t look injured.

Well its closing and we head back to the Mud Duck

The party had found blood

So, Sierra did get a shot to stick, I am happy for her and say a little prayer that they find her deer

Not knowing if the deer I had seen was the deer they were looking for

I told them where I had seen the deer last go in and to my surprise,  what do ya know there he was

They walked right where I told them I had seen the deer and there it was

Glad I was able to help them find it

It was Sierra’s 1st deer/buck and I was happy for her

It was a good 1st day

Weather was nice, sun was out

I had 2 opportunities within shooting range to harvest a small buck.

But we all have the gut feeling, that ah ha moment, that moment in time where we say he’s mine

When I see this deer, I will to take my shot.

In the memory books it shall go as my 1st time sitting all day.

Only 8 more days to go, as I try to remind myself that this 9 day gun season goes pretty fast, so live in the moment.