11/26/20 6th day of Wisconsin 2020 Gun Deer Season
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families!
Different kind of thanksgiving here this year, as I am sure was all around the world
Due to the lack of people getting together for thanksgiving most of the hunting party was less busy,
As we don’t normally do much hunting on Thanksgiving.
I had ordered premade food from a local meat market, so I didn’t have to make a thing
just heat and go for supper
We usually don’t get together for thanksgiving as we traditionally do an evening hunt
Marcus shot a nice buck a few years ago on thanksgiving.
The hunting party did a drive through the pines over on the farm.
I was part of this drive and was posted on a hill across the road as this is a route the deer
Have fled to over the years.
That is exactly what happened this time as well
I could see them racing through a small woods, cross the highway and head straight for me
This is the part of the drives that don’t excite me very much, the hunting party is much more experienced and have been hunting longer than I.
They were running fast, technically I couldn’t make out what they were. Somene radio’d they were fawns.
I don’t make it a habit to shoot at random things.
I most certainly don’t shoot at running things, I am way to inexperienced shooting at running targets.
Much less the idea of injuring a deer and not finding it doesn’t fare well on my do to list.
Plus, there is a good chance I miss and the thought of a happily flying bullets to freedom is kind of scary and something I don’t want to be a part of.
I had 3 fawns or youngsters run right up by me.
They were so close that they were almost going to run me over.
I had to wave my arms and talk in order to deter them from running me over.
The guys did another drive and I went out for a solo sit.
I sat on Degners, which is basically a big plowed up field right now, the field butts up
to tall grass and willows with cattails all around.
I know there have been deer in this area for years, I have seen them in person and on camera
This was not a traditional hunt, as I have never sat in this spot during gun season.
I have a few sits in this area during bow season over the years.
I thought it might be a promising sit, as I had seen tracks in the fresh mud as I was walking in.
I nestled into some tall grass with my back up against a tree.
I don’t have much shooting here, to my back left beyond the field is a road, my straight left is a house, and to my front left is a tree line and field and factories/building beyond that.
But good shooting to my front and my right if they come out of the woods.
The only excitement I saw were the geese flying off of the sewer pond and want to land in the field right in front of me.
I saw nothing this night as well!
Happy Thanksgiving again!
*Sometimes in the business and chaos of this life, I often don’t concentrate on my blessing enough!*
11/23/20 3rd day of Wisconsin 2020 Gun Deer Season
My sit tonight was short. I had to work until 3 pm, but I am pretty sure I was out the door by 3:02 pm I chose my traditional route due to time constraints and went to sit in my elevated enclosed blind. I shall call her Betty from now on. Why, like Betty Crocker, my blind is home made with love.
I got all bundled up as I knew once the sun went down it would get cool. Oh, but I love the sunshine it makes me feel alive.
My 1 hour and 43 minute sit went fast and there was very little movement. I really found it eerily quite so I focused on the silence.
It was quite enough to hear movement, but this time of year the ground is damp and soft, which deters noise when walked on.
I didn’t hear many shots ringing through the air tonight
About 435 I spot 2 doe far off in the big food plot. I watch then through the binoculars for a while, next thing I know I have 5 doe/fawns frolicking through the field. They are being silly, jumping around and playing with each other. It is about 440 already and before I know it, they pranced away.
It is now time to end my sit as another hunting day come to an end.
Only 7 more hunting days to go! The weather isn’t looking the greatest! I have to work 2 more days.
Shoot straight y’all!
I had flexed time during the week to get done early from work to get a jump start on my Friday night hunt.
I have not missed a Friday night in 7 weeks.
I had thought to go out Saturday morning to my Radix Blind, so I didn’t want to over hunt that area tonight, so I thought we should go back to where Marcus had hunted the night before.
I had hoped that the buck Marcus had seen the night before might make a special appearance.
We got a later start than I would have liked.
This was the 1st night that Marcus and I would hunt together this bow season.
We Mud Ducked(4 wheeler) down the road and up to the hill.
Oh, the walk….I repeat that again…….. oh, the walk
Thru that long long green hay field.
I am not a fan of long walks to a blind. Or long walks in general.
I always seem to become a sweaty hot mess by the time I get to the area I want to sit.
Plus, to top it off I am carrying my crossbow on my back and a heavy hunting chair all the way across the field.
Marcus had to carry his hunting chair and the Ghost Blind.
By the time I got to our location my back was on fire from pain, but I consider myself a STRONG WOMAN.
Anyways, we both get settled in, I sat behind the Ghost Blind and Marcus nestled in way behind me in the bush.
Marcus choose to not hunt tonight, and just hang out with me; we do that sometimes. Or rather he does that sometimes as he works very hard to set me up for success.
He was going to do a little calling for me here and there.
I am hunting in the Ghost Blind and I am still trying to adapt to the blind, trying to learn the techniques of hunting behind it. I have only used it 4 times so far.
There were a few blind spots I was not too happy about.
But you know how that goes once your set up, your set up.
I would have to adapt.
I will save the Ghost Blind story for another post
At 431 pm there was a doe up on the hill in the bean field
I figured she had come from the top of the hill, where Sam, Marcus’s cousin was sitting in the woods
In a tree stand up in the valley hundreds of yards away.
I figured he kicked her up.
For the next hour it was quiet.
In the distance the combine was cutting beans towards our house
There was little to no wind, so still. The weather was enjoyable.
The corn stalks did not move and I could hear the wings from the birds over head
As they flew into the bush all around us.
A blue jay here and a cardinal there.
A few morning doves flew up from the corn field in front of me
I though that might be a sign of movement in the corn field, nothing though
It had to be about 5:30 pm and Marcus had said my name from behind me
I looked back at him to see what he wanted; his eyes pointed to me in the direction of the corn field.
I can read them there eyes to mean deer over there.
The blind is blocking my front view (still trying to adapt to the blind)to the corn field so I had no clue what he was seeing
However, as I looked to my right thru the shooting hole in the blind there is a BUCK, a nice buck about 20 yards out
It was a nice rack to my standards and so I pondered the theory could this be MY RIGHT PLACE RIGHT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Closest buck I have had in the last 8 weeks
In all the years of hunting this was the 1st time I had consciously made the decision
That I was going to shoot this buck, LORD willing!
I have passed Bucks up before; you know how that goes
It wasn’t the right BUCK for me.
So, this here buck is to my right. 20 yards out.
I had actually used the range finder on this exact old wooden post in the ground earlier.
All I can see out of the shooting hole was a head, ears, and antlers
I knew I had to be stealthy to get my bow up and in position without him seeing me.
He never did turn his back at me.
I always thought if I had to raise my bow to a deer that I would see him coming and long have my bow ready to go. I could prepare, plan it out ahead of time.
Guess it doesn’t always go the way it plays out in my head a dozen times.
I could not see his body at this time, I am pretty sure he wasn’t concerned about me and more about the beautiful hot doe he was following around. Hmmm wonder where she went.
I thought the buck was gonna go straight to my right up the hill and outta sight. At this point Marcus doesn’t not know why I am raising my bow for, he figures maybe I will shoot the doe or maybe he thought there was a buck with that doe, come to find out that he had no idea a buck had walked out from the corn
All he saw was a doe that stepped out of the corn, looked in our direction and turned right back around. He had no clue that I never seen the doe he had saw.
Well that Buck did a 180 and walked right to the front of my blind.
The way this played out in the next minute was crazy, I got this buck right in front of my blind, 10 yards
And I can’t see him, blocked by the blind. I mean the blind did its job, perhaps poor placement on my part.
At this point Marcus gives out MEHHHH, mind you I cannot see the buck in front of me.
I am unable to get him in the opening in front of me
So, all I had was “HOPE”, hope he took 3 steps further to the opening I had my bow pointed out
Then it happened, he took those 3 steps, he should have been long gone, but he took those 3 steps.
I have no idea when I took the safety off, no idea that there was lines in the scope I was suppose to line up, no time to breath, BAM
Made contact, just a hair high would be my guess, he was a lot closer than I thought
But who thinks at this time. Marcus always told me to watch where the deer goes, its important.
I felt confident the arrow went in. No doubt in my mind.
I watched him run down the hay field into the corn, jump up and down the length of the field an as he exited the field I see his one last jump and he was gone, disappeared.
He should have kept running straight ahead up the hill thru the beans to the other side, but I never saw him again.
I continued to watch for movement but none, I was excited.
I felt as though MY BUCK had taken his last breath in that vey place. I am a good Christian girl and prayed for a quick and painless death and a joyous transition the to BUCK HEAVEN!
I started packing up, but Marcus told me just to chill, that I had to give him time……I ain’t got no time…..I just shot a buck.
I packed everything up and Sam stopped his hunt to come down to help.
Marcus began looking for blood as did I, but we didn’t find any! Was there supposed to be blood????
He also looked by the corn field, no blood! Oh great….no blood!
The hay is green and short, now I started to doubt myself. Marcus of course jokes, hope the RAGE opened up, you know you hear those stories. Really guy!
I decided to send the guys on their merry way to search for my buck.
I walked back thru that long long field to get the Mud Duck and pack everything up. Yes, it was a long walk as I prayed we would find my buck.
As I walked back, I walked next to the corn field, just to look for blood. I thought he went in further down the field and he did.
I found blood, lots and lots of blood, sprayed all over the corn stalks.
I tried calling Marcus on my walk back, 3 or 4 times, I figured he had his phone on silent.
He finally picked up and I told him that I had found blood.
What a relief.
He said to bring the Mud Duck and then walk up by them.
They were standing about right where I had last saw “MY GUY”.
Yup that is his name “MY GUY”
So, I figured they were waiting for me to confirm exactly where I had last saw him.
Well, I get there and they tell me that they found blood and the trail that he came out of from the corn field.
Sam said he was going to go look down by the corn for blood
Marcus and I walked the bank trying to look for any signs
I didn’t take but 3 steps and there he was down the slope
At the edge of the corn field, he looked so peaceful.
Here was right where I last saw him
He tried to jump the little hill and ran out of blood.
Them guys…..they had already found him prior to me getting there, but they wanted me to be able to find MY GUY on my own.
He is a beautiful buck. The 1st thing I did was say a prayer and thanked MY GUY for his sacrifice.
I feel very blessed, blessed beyond words. I finally did it. The right place and the right time finally happened. Do you know how hard it has been for me to find the right place and the right time and to not give up HOPE??????
I take no pleasure in the kill itself.
I am extremely thankful to be given the experience and be able to provide food for my family.
I pay no attention to the stats; all I know is he had 9 points, a 13 inch spread and weighed roughly 135.
He has a sparkling light coat, a nice white patch, and cute little white patches on his feet.
4 years bow hunting and this is my 1st harvest. I hit it hard this year because I had switched jobs and didn’t have the time off like I am used too.
This was my 8th day in a row sitting out.
My heart is happy and my soul content.
When I hunt I take pleasure in being out in nature spending time with GOD and his beautiful creatures.
Its nice to get the monkey off my back so to speak and to put some food in the freezer.
Getting to experience this hunt with my love, Marcus by my side means the world to me as he has been by my side for the last 4 years cheering me on, keeping up my hope, providing his expertise and working the calls.
Thank you Sam and Marcus for getting him home for me.
I have officially joined the tagged out club and I could not be more proud.
Luckily for me COVID had allowed me to work from home
Plus, it sure does help that our hunting land is right out the back door
Got a late start but was eager to go
Of course, the cat ran out in the garage and out the door to freedom as I was getting ready
One of the big bucks I am after was down below the house gain last night again.
So, I kept a positive thought that tonight was going to be a good good night
Pulled the Mud Duck out of the garage along with the retractable electric cord
Good thing the cord decided it wanted to be retracted
Oh, that is how this night is gonna start off?
Decided to walk in the back way again
Which entails driving the Mud Duck through an intrakit weave of fields
To get to where I am going
The walk in wasn’t any easier than the last time
Plus, I was in a hurry
This time trying to remind myself where the holes and divits are
I mean what’s the point of being in a hurry if I am going to fall on my ass
Well probably on my face more like it
As I walked in, I snacked on one of the 100 calorie walnut/almond packs
I normally get hungry at this time, as it is right around when we would eat
But no, I got to go hunting
So, I have to wait until after 7 pm until I eat supper
Ahhh my pretty enclosed blind, you look so nice
Since the last time I seen you
I am proud of my blind, I have not given her a name yet
And I will, but I have always wanted a blind like this and will appreciate the blessing of having one
The weather looked nice on my drive out
The sun was out with a slight wind
But my dad had to jinx it earlier
And say something to the effect that hopes I got some hunting in before the extreme wind and rain.
Whatcha talking about dad, looks nice
At 447 pm 10 minutes after I get in the blind
There are 2 deer in the big food plot to my left
I kept this window zippered up a little as I feel it helps the deer
As I think it provides them security as they eat
Plus, I have been told I move around a lot
Whatcha talking about????
Yes, I am not quite sure how I will handle the situation when there is a buck there and I am not ready
Game time decision I guess
Is its meant to be its meant to be
40 minutes later around 528 pm I now have total of 7 deer in the food plot
Just does and several fawn, maybe one or two teens as well
Well the doom and gloom arrived
The sky turned grey and then dark
The wind picked up to almost Gail force winds
A few times I actually grabbed on to the blind
Preparing to be blown over
Oh, lookey there a tree had fallen in the woods
The deer didn’t seem to be awfully concerned
As they remained in the field
It sprinkled, rained, stopped, rained again,
Stopped, some more heavy rain and then stopped
I stuck it out
The whole time worrying about taking a shoot and losing the blood trail due to wet ground or rain
The wind/rain kept my mind busy so it wasn’t as peaceful of a sit as usual
I decided to sit out the rest of the hunt
The wind calmed down a bit the last 30 minutes or so
I tried to picture in my mind a big buck stepping out from the willows or walking straight at me down the path.
But it didn’t happened, however I sure do want to be ready when it does
Well, its closing time.
As I stepped out from the blind there were still deer to the left of me in the big food plot
One was fairly large bodied.
It was to dark to make anything out
I was a tad bit concerned walking back to the Mud Duck
Earlier in the week we had a Germain shepherd running deer below the house in the
Middle of the night.
I thought he was located by his owners as Facebook had reported
But as I was leaving the house Marcus was on the phone with someone who had seen
A Germain Shepard spotted down the road from us.
My intention was to make sure a knife accessible
You know one of those things you keep saying in your mind as your packing up to leave
Knife, remember the knife, knife, get the knife, remember the knife
And then I walked away and forgot it THE KNIFE.
So, I armed myself with the crossbow bolt( its an arrow with a special end that I use to dry release by bow)
Not sure what that would have done
But I was going to give it my best shot if I ran into that loose Germain Shepard
The closer I got back to the Mud Duck I noticed this white stuff in the air
Yup them would be snowflakes, the 1st of the year
It snow flaked on my ride back home
Brats, potato salad, and chips for supper
Sure, was yummy
Another successful hunt
I saw deer, got some peace and quiet, cleared my mind, enjoyed the simpler things in life, bonded with mother earth and sat in silence and basked in the blessing I have been given in this life, did I mention the deer.
Until next time shoot straight! Its RUTTIN time soon!