I watched this little bird’s nest all bow/gun season of 2020. It was in a large bush right outside my blind. I never seen any bird movement near it, but I was able to catch a picture in March 2021. Its a cute little nest…looks well built….some little birdie worked real hard to build it. I wanted to get a better look, but I decided to let it free of human touch.
One of the 2 fawns I saw tonight!View from my blind!More views from my blind!More views from my blind!View from my blind!
11/29/20 9th day of Wisconsin 2020 Gun Deer Season
Last Hunt!
No body from the hunting party hunted or did drives today,
as they had a few more deer to process before the weekend is over.
The wind was a little blustery today and the sun had no interest in coming out.
This did not give me much motivation to hunt this last day of the season
I figured yesterday was my last day and time was dwindling down,
because we leave for Kansas for their 12 day gun deer season the very next day.
Marcus kindly reminded me that, “hey ya never know what you will see, we don’t absolutely have to leave for Kansas tomorrow, go shoot the big one will ya!”
He was right, live in the moment!
I didn’t go out until a little later than normal, just due to limiting my time in the wind
My propagative , I guess!
I had not seen anything, but did hear a bird, if that counts.
The animal world was not very busy today, I am guessing due to the wind.
The last 10 minutes of the night, 2 fawns came out in the big food plot to my left.
I felt they were alone but ma could have been nearby, but we did take a doe or 2 this season, so maybe mom isn’t here anymore.
That thought makes me sad, but that is part of nature, no doubt.
The fawns were fun to watch as they were playfully frolicked in the field.
Well…..that’s a wrap. 2020 Wisconsin Gun Deer Season Over.
I didn’t harvest a deer this season, but that was by choice, as I had some good opportunity.
It was the year of the girls as Hailey and Sierra both got their 1st gun deer. I got my 1st bow buck as well this year.
The hunting party ended up harvesting 8 deer this season.
With all the flooding, I wasn’t sure if anybody would get any deer.
View from my chair.view from my chair.View from my chair.
11/26/20 6th day of Wisconsin 2020 Gun Deer Season
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families!
Different kind of thanksgiving here this year, as I am sure was all around the world
Due to the lack of people getting together for thanksgiving most of the hunting party was less busy,
As we don’t normally do much hunting on Thanksgiving.
I had ordered premade food from a local meat market, so I didn’t have to make a thing
just heat and go for supper
We usually don’t get together for thanksgiving as we traditionally do an evening hunt
Marcus shot a nice buck a few years ago on thanksgiving.
The hunting party did a drive through the pines over on the farm.
I was part of this drive and was posted on a hill across the road as this is a route the deer
Have fled to over the years.
That is exactly what happened this time as well
I could see them racing through a small woods, cross the highway and head straight for me
This is the part of the drives that don’t excite me very much, the hunting party is much more experienced and have been hunting longer than I.
They were running fast, technically I couldn’t make out what they were. Somene radio’d they were fawns.
I don’t make it a habit to shoot at random things.
I most certainly don’t shoot at running things, I am way to inexperienced shooting at running targets.
Much less the idea of injuring a deer and not finding it doesn’t fare well on my do to list.
Plus, there is a good chance I miss and the thought of a happily flying bullets to freedom is kind of scary and something I don’t want to be a part of.
I had 3 fawns or youngsters run right up by me.
They were so close that they were almost going to run me over.
I had to wave my arms and talk in order to deter them from running me over.
The guys did another drive and I went out for a solo sit.
I sat on Degners, which is basically a big plowed up field right now, the field butts up
to tall grass and willows with cattails all around.
I know there have been deer in this area for years, I have seen them in person and on camera
This was not a traditional hunt, as I have never sat in this spot during gun season.
I have a few sits in this area during bow season over the years.
I thought it might be a promising sit, as I had seen tracks in the fresh mud as I was walking in.
I nestled into some tall grass with my back up against a tree.
I don’t have much shooting here, to my back left beyond the field is a road, my straight left is a house, and to my front left is a tree line and field and factories/building beyond that.
But good shooting to my front and my right if they come out of the woods.
The only excitement I saw were the geese flying off of the sewer pond and want to land in the field right in front of me.
I saw nothing this night as well!
Happy Thanksgiving again!
*Sometimes in the business and chaos of this life, I often don’t concentrate on my blessing enough!*
11/23/20 3rd day of Wisconsin 2020 Gun Deer Season
My sit tonight was short. I had to work until 3 pm, but I am pretty sure I was out the door by 3:02 pm I chose my traditional route due to time constraints and went to sit in my elevated enclosed blind. I shall call her Betty from now on. Why, like Betty Crocker, my blind is home made with love.
I got all bundled up as I knew once the sun went down it would get cool. Oh, but I love the sunshine it makes me feel alive.
My 1 hour and 43 minute sit went fast and there was very little movement. I really found it eerily quite so I focused on the silence.
It was quite enough to hear movement, but this time of year the ground is damp and soft, which deters noise when walked on.
I didn’t hear many shots ringing through the air tonight
About 435 I spot 2 doe far off in the big food plot. I watch then through the binoculars for a while, next thing I know I have 5 doe/fawns frolicking through the field. They are being silly, jumping around and playing with each other. It is about 440 already and before I know it, they pranced away.
It is now time to end my sit as another hunting day come to an end.
Only 7 more hunting days to go! The weather isn’t looking the greatest! I have to work 2 more days.
Shoot straight y’all!
Sierra’s 1st deer/buck!Me in the blind, photo courtesy of Marcus!View from the blind!Views from the blind!Deer view from the blind!Its me again!View from the blind!Sunrise and frost filled earth
11/21/20 Opening day of Wisconsin Gun Deer Season!
Well the dreaded get up early of opening day, which I manage to not get up one early morning during bow season.
And of course I wasn’t able to fall asleep last night
So, I was running on 4 hrs. of sleep
Marcus may have gotten a tad bit more sleep than me but not much
You do know that there are very special deer opening day of gun season right
More special than deer any other day??? 😊
The walk in was fine, with the usually rushed feeling making sure to get to the blind before it gets light
We had plenty of time to spare, but you don’t know that when you’re walking in, no matter how much time you leave yourself
We got in and settled to hear gun shots in the distance many minutes before opening
I anxiously waited that opening minute, gun in hand ready to see the “BIG GUY”
step from the cover, well shoot he never did, as he usually doesn’t, no matter how much you play the scene over in your head.
I didn’t hold out much hope as the deer movement the last week or so had drastically decreased.
We always play this game when a close gunshot goes off, what neighbor shot it and what bucks was it.
I had to laugh occasionally at the amount of gun shots heard around us
I even joked at some point and asked are there any deer even alive anymore?
I tried to soak in the beauty around me
As the white frost had clung to every inch of the earth
The crystals sparkle so pretty
And with this white pretty frost came complete silence.
I caught myself a few times with a smile on my face recognizing how beautiful this morning was
I found the fog from the ground jumping high into the air very magical and found it fitting for the 1st day of gun season
I was warm enough but usually I always am, I pretty much always over dress
Marcus on the other hand thought it would be cool to just wear a t-shirt under his big orange hunting jacket
Yup caught him a few times shivering
A little doe had come out to the food plot to eat
She strategically hid behind the bush so I couldn’t see her all the time
The birds happen to be busy as the sun start to shine through the clouds
We decided last minute to sit all day
I have not ever done a sit all day
It wasn’t as bad as I thought
Glad I had some water and snacks to hold us over and the company of my man
I choose this man to sit in silence with 10 plus hours in a day, any and every day
It was a long afternoon
As there was little to no movement
Marcus has no problem falling asleep anywhere, any time and got a few cat naps in
I am sure my head hit the floor a few times as well
Around 330 we had some action with a little fella coming into the small food plot
He was such a little buck but so proud
When I look at these little bucks…I think of all the life they have to live and all the fun they have yet to have chasing girls.
He didn’t want anything to do with us, as if he were on a mission
A short while later a 4 pointer came into the food plot
This time this one came within 20 yards, and actually worked the scrape stick we have set up near by
I love watching deer so close in their natural habitat
It was so cool to see him working the branch
He never did spook and just got bored
About 15 minutes later a doe, 2 fawns and a small buck
Are nearby, pretty sure one was a hot doe
I figured they knew something was up when they looked over in our direction,
And did a quick slide under the radar move
You know how them old doe’s are so smart
About 5 to 10 minutes from close we hear close by gun shots
Well one of the girls in our hunting party, Sierra had taken a shot or 2
A small buck, there was potential that this buck might double back and come our way
Well just about a minute before close I have a deer to my left and in front of me, it ducks for cover into the bushes
I could not make out what gender, and it was moving slow but didn’t look injured.
Well its closing and we head back to the Mud Duck
The party had found blood
So, Sierra did get a shot to stick, I am happy for her and say a little prayer that they find her deer
Not knowing if the deer I had seen was the deer they were looking for
I told them where I had seen the deer last go in and to my surprise, what do ya know there he was
They walked right where I told them I had seen the deer and there it was
Glad I was able to help them find it
It was Sierra’s 1st deer/buck and I was happy for her
It was a good 1st day
Weather was nice, sun was out
I had 2 opportunities within shooting range to harvest a small buck.
But we all have the gut feeling, that ah ha moment, that moment in time where we say he’s mine
When I see this deer, I will to take my shot.
In the memory books it shall go as my 1st time sitting all day.
Only 8 more days to go, as I try to remind myself that this 9 day gun season goes pretty fast, so live in the moment.