I always get excited this time of year to get some fawns. Haven’t determined how many kids we have yet! But I will keep you posted.
Baby Sand Hill Cranes
I call them Ma and Pa Kettle. They come to our land every year and raise their little family! These pictures are off a trial camera called the Cuddelink. It send pictures to my e-mail every hour. So I am able to see what is going on down on the land hot off the press.
I love this time of year, and seeing all the new arrivals into the animal world!
Sandhill Cranes being dramatic! (volume up)
Got these sandhill cranes in action on the trail camera! Be sure to turn up the volume! https://browningtrailcameras.com/.
I love this Browning Trail Camera as well! Great picture!
Great Blue Heron!
This is a picture hot off the Cuddelink trail camera. It goes right to me email every hour. This area has been flooded since last year and it starting to recede. The great blue herons are enjoying the new environment. https://www.cuddeback.com/cuddelink
Birding Trail Camera Pictures
From my Facebook page!
Pretty Covert Sunset!
This a picture hot off the Covert Cellular Trail Camera! It comes directly to my cell phone. I am a sunset girl and I found this beautiful!