Fawns 2020

I always get excited this time of year to get some fawns. Haven’t determined how many kids we have yet! But I will keep you posted.

Baby Sand Hill Cranes

I call them Ma and Pa Kettle. They come to our land every year and raise their little family! These pictures are off a trial camera called the Cuddelink. It send pictures to my e-mail every hour. So I am able to see what is going on down on the land hot off the press.

I love this time of year, and seeing all the new arrivals into the animal world!



One of my favorite times of year, trying to get those water pictures! You never know what you might capture. We strategically put trail cameras out with the hopes of getting a few special pictures. Finally got this BEAUTY in a day time picture. The pelicans come every year and I always hope they find the camera, never fails! I am in AWE! https://www.cuddeback.com/cuddelink is the trail camera used to capture this photo.