Big Bucks Moving!

Little buck crossing the road!
A huge buck……so so far away! Maybe 800 yards!
Big buck with 9 doe on a green patch….food plot?

Kansas 2020 Gun Season Day 6!

We worked on capping out the buck this morning!

Jason/Jess headed out a little  early for their hunt. Good Luck Guys!

We replenished the bait piles this afternoon and we headed out at our normal time.

We stopped for our normal soda pop in a small town and headed out.

I am a horrible navigator.

Good thing Marcus is a great navigator and know were he is going.  At least he has his bearings.

The sun just glared bight to the blinding eye.

Cruising down the road I turn my head to my right as I am looking at a vehicle stop at the stop sign waiting to get on the highway.

As I am looking over I see a buck a ways off the roadway.

Not sure how big he was, you know how that goes when you are driving by at 70 mph.

I told Marcus that he needed to slow down and turn around, that I saw a buck.

I very well know he will be gone when we get back there and he was.

He stopped and we looked around for a bit.

There the buck was, stepped out from the woods on to the road.

He was a nice 2 year old.  He would have been a shooter back home.  He crossed the road and into the woods on the other side he goes.

I was able to catch a real blurry picture.

We continued on with our journey, as the clocks stops for no one.

We end up going down some road, I can’t keep track of what roads or where we are on these dirt roads

I am in the middle of nowhere.

We ended up pulling onto a road and at the back end of a dried up bean field, I notice a green patch.

I suppose someone’s food plot, as it was weird seeing that green at the back of the brown field.

There stood a nice 2 year old  buck with 9 does.  They didn’t move as we pulled to the side of the road.

The group was pretty far back, but I was able to make the antlers out through the binoculars.

The buck had such a pretty white patch and I was surprised the group stayed as long as they did before running off.

As we continue on our adventure we pull up to a large field, a very large field with a woods to the back of the field.

It hard to explain all the land around here.  Lots of fields, woods, tree lines, and pastures.  And dirt roads!

We made out about 8 deer in the back of this field

I am almost unable to make out what is in the field with my binoculars as they are quite a ways away.

But I did notice a huge buck in the far back field all alone.

His rack was big enough that I could see it that far way thru the binoculars.

We drove up the road to turn around and try to get a better look.

As we were driving up the road, we kick up 4 does, we turn around on the road to come back and the big buck and doe’s were gone, go figure!

We continued on back towards the direction of home and we are met eye to eye by an owl

This owl must have been up in a tree watching a rodent of some type on the side of the road.

This owl flies down hard and swoops to catch whatever he was stalking at the same exact moment we are driving by.

All at the same time Marcus slams on the breaks and I may or may not have screamed a little bit.

I was eye to eye with the beautiful owl.

I couldn’t tell you what type of owl, but a big beautiful owl, none the less.

Oh, my so pretty.

I am pretty sure his wings swiped the side of the jeep.

After pulling my heart out of my stomach we continue on.

There is same property closer to the homestead,

that we have checked every night, it had been hit or miss with seeing deer in these fields, but we know they frequent it.

Well they were here tonight.

We had at least 6 doe’s on one side of the road in the bean field 60 yards off the road and then a short ways up the road they we 9 doe’s on the other side of the road 100 yards away.

So, that concluded the night adventures.

Jason/Jess didn’t see anything, even with hopes that replenishing the bait piles would help.

Ma made scalloped potatoes and ham for supper.

We dropped our buck head off at a friend of Marcus’s, as they are an outfitter and have several freezers.

We plan to bring back the deer head for a deer mount.


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